9,090 research outputs found

    Impact of the inelastic proton -- nucleus cross section on the prompt neutrino flux

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    The description of the inelastic proton -- nucleus cross section at very high energies is still an open question. The current theoretical uncertainty has direct impact on the predictions of the cosmic ray and neutrino physics observables. In this paper we consider different models for the treatment of σinelpA\sigma_{inel}^{pA}, compare its predictions at ultrahigh cosmic ray energies and estimate the prompt neutrino flux at the neutrino energies that have been probed by the IceCube Observatory. We demonstrate that depending of the model used to describe σinelpA\sigma_{inel}^{pA}, the predictions for the prompt neutrino flux can differ by a factor of order of three. Such result demonstrate the importance of a precise measurement of the inelastic proton -- nucleus cross section at high energies.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; v2: corrected the range of horizontal axis in figure 1. Matches the version published in Eur. Phys. J.

    On the rapidity dependence of the average transverse momentum in hadronic collisions

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    The energy and rapidity dependence of the average transverse momentum ⟨pT⟩\langle p_T \rangle in pppp and pApA collisions at RHIC and LHC energies are estimated using the Colour Glass Condensate (CGC) formalism. We update previous predictions for the pTp_T - spectra using the hybrid formalism of the CGC approach and two phenomenological models for the dipole - target scattering amplitude. We demonstrate that these models are able to describe the RHIC and LHC data for the hadron production in pppp, dAudAu and pPbpPb collisions at pT≤20p_T \le 20 GeV. Moreover, we present our predictions for ⟨pT⟩\langle p_T \rangle and demonstrate that the ratio ⟨pT(y)⟩/⟨pT(y=0)⟩\langle p_{T}(y)\rangle / \langle p_{T}(y = 0)\rangle decreases with the rapidity and has a behaviour similar to that predicted by hydrodynamical calculations.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures; revised version: new results for the average transverse momentum at partonic level added in fig. 4; Results and Discussion section has been improved and enlarge

    Testing the running coupling kTk_{T}-factorization formula for the inclusive gluon production

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    The inclusive gluon production at midrapidities is described in the Color Glass Condensate formalism using the kTk_T - factorization formula, which was derived at fixed coupling constant considering the scattering of a dilute system of partons with a dense one. Recent analysis demonstrated that this approach provides a satisfactory description of the experimental data for the inclusive hadron production in pp/pA/AApp/pA/AA collisions. However, these studies are based on the fixed coupling kTk_T - factorization formula, which does not take into account the running coupling corrections, which are important to set the scales present in the cross section. In this paper we consider the running coupling corrected kTk_T - factorization formula conjectured some years ago and investigate the impact of the running coupling corrections on the observables. In particular, the pseudorapidity distributions and charged hadrons multiplicity are calculated considering pppp, dAu/pPbdAu/pPb and AuAu/PbPbAuAu/PbPb collisions at RHIC and LHC energies. We compare the corrected running coupling predictions with those obtained using the original kTk_T - factorization assuming a fixed coupling or a prescription for the inclusion of the running of the coupling. Considering the Kharzeev - Levin - Nardi unintegrated gluon distribution and a simplified model for the nuclear geometry, we demonstrate that the distinct predictions are similar for the pseudorapidity distributions in pp/pA/AApp/pA/AA collisions and for the charged hadrons multiplicity in pp/pApp/pA collisions. On the other hand, the running coupling corrected kTk_T - factorization formula predicts a smoother energy dependence for dN/dηdN/d\eta in AAAA collisions.Comment: 9 pages and 4 figure

    Quantum Plasmonics

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    Quantum plasmonics is an exciting subbranch of nanoplasmonics where the laws of quantum theory are used to describe light–matter interactions on the nanoscale. Plasmonic materials allow extreme subdiffraction confinement of (quantum or classical) light to regions so small that the quantization of both light and matter may be necessary for an accurate description. State-of-the-art experiments now allow us to probe these regimes and push existing theories to the limits which opens up the possibilities of exploring the nature of many-body collective oscillations as well as developing new plasmonic devices, which use the particle quality of light and the wave quality of matter, and have a wealth of potential applications in sensing, lasing, and quantum computing. This merging of fundamental condensed matter theory with application-rich electromagnetism (and a splash of quantum optics thrown in) gives rise to a fascinating area of modern physics that is still very much in its infancy. In this review, we discuss and compare the key models and experiments used to explore how the quantum nature of electrons impacts plasmonics in the context of quantum size corrections of localized plasmons and quantum tunneling between nanoparticle dimers. We also look at some of the remarkable experiments that are revealing the quantum nature of surface plasmon polaritons

    Asymptotics of surface-plasmon redshift saturation at sub-nanometric separations

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    Many promising nanophotonics endeavours hinge upon the unique plasmonic properties of nanometallic structures with narrow non-metallic gaps, which support super-concentrated bonding modes that singularly redshift with decreasing separations. In this letter, we present a descriptive physical picture, complemented by elementary asymptotic formulae, of a nonlocal mechanism for plasmon-redshift saturation at subnanometric gap widths. Thus, by considering the electron-charge and field distributions in the close vicinity of the metal-vacuum interface, we show that nonlocality is asymptotically manifested as an effective potential discontinuity. For bonding modes in the near-contact limit, the latter discontinuity is shown to be effectively equivalent to a widening of the gap. As a consequence, the resonance-frequency near-contact asymptotics are a renormalisation of the corresponding local ones. Specifically, the renormalisation furnishes an asymptotic plasmon-frequency lower bound that scales with the 1/41/4-power of the Fermi wavelength. We demonstrate these remarkable features in the prototypical cases of nanowire and nanosphere dimers, showing agreement between our elementary expressions and previously reported numerical computations
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